Testing, Commissioning & Troubleshooting

Practical Engineering Ltd. is often called upon to test/commission power, protection, and control system for industry and utilities that are designed by others. Services include:

  • Power System Equipment Acceptance Testing (switchgear, transformers, battery banks and chargers)
  • Protective System Testing* (includes protective relay testing)
  • Control System Testing
  • Communication Systems/Networks

*Modern protective relays provide far more functionality than a single protective element. Practical Engineering offers a unique type of protective relay testing that we refer to as "protective system testing". We take the checkout of the protective system far beyond the secondary current injection typically provided by relay testing companies. An engineer is part of the testing team and fully understands the protective goals of the system as established by the relay setting files, the protection and metering single lines and discussion with the design engineer (if not a Practical design). All aspects of the protective relay configuration are tested and documented including protection elements, logic and communications.

Switchgear Commissioning

Project: Snap Lake Mine, De Beers Canada
Location: Northwest Territories
Client: AMEC

PLC-Based Control System Testing

Project: Lady Annie Mine, Copper Co
Location: Mt. Ida, Australia
Client: Terra Nova Technologies
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